Success Story of Mannar Hielal
My aunt told me that I should finally find a husband instead of going back to school for another education.
Originally from Aleppo, Syria, Mannar fled her war-torn country for Turkey, and then eventually Switzerland, where she would join Powercoders.
Software Developer at Liip, Alumna Powercoders
October 2021
Mannar Hielal was a participant of our very first Bootcamp in Bern, 2017. Originally from Aleppo, Syria, Mannar fled her war-torn country for Turkey, and then eventually Switzerland, where she would join Powercoders. During the Bootamp she was interviewed by SonntagsZeitung, where she speaks about her past and her hopes for the future. Read the article.
After she started working at Liip, she told her story for this blog article by Liip.
Hear more about her in this podcast episode by Swisspreneur.