Future Day at Powercoders 2024

Prepare your child for the digital future!

Computer science has become an integral part of our everyday lives. It is driving the development of artificial intelligence, the internet and many other technologies. Children who learn how to use technology at an early age are ideally equipped for the future. On Swiss Future Day, Powercoders invites your child to discover the fascinating world of computer science. Your child can experience for themselves how programs are created, robots are controlled and how technology shapes our world.

We offer a hands-on and creative environment where your child can learn the basics of computer science in a fun way – whether they have any prior knowledge or not. It’s a great opportunity to explore the world of technology and develop important skills for the future.

Important: The Future Day on November 14 is aimed at children from 5th to 8th grade. It will be in German.

Would your child like to control a robot themselves or write their own program? Then sign them up for Powercoders Future Day. Let them try out how technology works and why it makes our world so exciting. A day to discover and experience the exciting world of computer science.


Powercoders Powerhub Bern
Marktgasse 42, 3011 Bern

Only 10 Minutes away from Bern main station


9:30 AM: Start with the following activities

  • Intro to Powercoders
  • Experiment with the programmable robots

12:00 AM – 1:00 PM: Lunch with Powercoders

1:00 PM onwards: Afternoon program

  • Challenge yourself with fun exercises with the programmable robots

4:00 PM:  End of Future Day at Powercoders

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